"Diagnosis and treatment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD)"

The first step in providing the right treatment for a child is obtaining an accurate diagnosis and recognizing the signs of autism. ATF Learning Difficulties Center is dedicated to initiating this crucial process for your child and family. Our experienced staff conducts diagnostic evaluations specifically tailored to identify potential autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children.

Our diagnostic assessments adhere to the highest standards of care, ensuring a thorough and accurate evaluation of whether a child meets the criteria for autism. Beyond establishing a diagnosis, this comprehensive evaluation process also sheds light on a child's individual strengths and weaknesses. The insights gained guide us in formulating appropriate recommendations for treatment and intervention.

At ATF Learning Difficulties Center, we take pride in providing caregivers with the advantage of accessing multidisciplinary care and support services all in one location. This integrated approach ensures that your child receives comprehensive and cohesive support tailored to their unique needs.

More about the program

Children aged 2 and older undergo a comprehensive one-day evaluation conducted by a multi-disciplinary team. This evaluation encompasses:

1. Interview by a Medical Provider:

  • In-depth discussion with parents led by a medical professional.

2. Developmental Testing :

  • Assessment of the child's developmental milestones and progress.

3. Feedback Session with Parents :

  • A dedicated session to provide feedback on the diagnosis, discuss your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and offer tailored recommendations.

This appointment typically lasts about 3 hours, and following the evaluation, a comprehensive written report summarizing the findings will be provided to you. This report aims to provide a clear and detailed understanding of the assessment results and serves as a valuable resource for ongoing care and support for your child.

Diagnostic evaluations for children aged 3 and older involve two essential appointments:

Diagnostic interview

Duration: One hour

Objective: In-depth interview with parents to collect detailed information about your child’s development and current symptoms.

Activities: Parents may complete rating scales, and forms might be provided for teachers or other caregivers. It's crucial for your child to be present during this session.

Testing appointment

Typically scheduled a few days after the diagnostic interview.

Duration: Approximately 5 hours

Assessment Areas:

  • Cognitive abilities or developmental level
  • Social interaction
  • Communication
  • Emotional functioning
  • Behavior
  • Adaptive skills
  • Components

Direct testing with your child using different diagnostic tools by our team of professionals.
After the testing appointment, a feedback session with parents to discuss the diagnosis, child's strength and weakness, and treatment recommendations.

After the diagnostic testing, a comprehensive written report summarizing the findings will be provided. This report is a valuable resource, offering insights into the assessment results and providing guidance for tailored treatment and support strategies for your child.

Toddler evaluation
  • Familiarize yourself with baby books outlining developmental milestones.
  • Ensure you've reviewed your child's progress and behaviors.
Diagnostic interview
  • Continue to review baby books for developmental milestones
  • Bring copies of any previous evaluations and, if applicable, your child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Testing appointment
  • Ensure your child has a restful night's sleep before the appointment.
  • Provide your child with a nutritious breakfast on the morning of the appointment.
  • Plan for extra travel time, considering potential morning traffic (testing appointments commence promptly at 10:00 AM).
  • Remember to bring your child's glasses and hearing aids if they use them.

These preparations will contribute to a smoother evaluation process and help our team gain a more comprehensive understanding of your child's needs and capabilities.